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Residents to claim because of effects of burst pipe

The water subsided but had caused damage.

| Palma |

Residents of the apartment building on the calle Simó Ballester in Palma, which had to evacuated as a consequence of the massive amount of water that came from a burst pipe in Es Fortí, are to present claims against the Emaya municipal services agency and developers responsible for work at the adjacent building.

According to residents, there was negligence during renovation work which caused damage to the structure of their building. Specifically, a hole was made in the garage which was repaired but not reinforced.

As a result of the burst pipe, water entered the site. The repair gave way and water gushed into the car park; at one point it was deep enough to cause damage. The Majorca Fire Brigade suggested that the pressure of water against the wall was 2,000 kilos per square metre. Cars, motorbikes and bikes were all affected.

Technicians from Palma town hall yesterday confirmed that the building was in good condition and lifted the cordon that had been put in place on Saturday. The residents of the fourteen apartments demanded that water and electricity supplies were restored, and they were later in the day.

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