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Mainland supply to cover 50% of islands' electricity demand

Work for the cable from Cala Mesquida to Minorca. | Red Electrica

| Palma |

The second electricity connection between the mainland and Majorca will mean that over 50% of demand in the Balearics will be supplied from the mainland. Eduardo Maynau of Red Electrica in the Balearics says that more or less all electricity demand in winter would be met by there being a second cable, which the grid company has included in its 2021-2026 plan.

It has not been determined when work will commence. Assessment is currently being made of the points of delivery and entry on the mainland and in Majorca. These are unlikely to be the same as those for the current connection, which came into operation seven years ago.

This existing infrastructure meets 20% of Balearics demand and uses 15% renewable sources. This will double with the second cable and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 250,000 tonnes per annum. Total capacity will increase from an average of 300 megawatts at present to some 900. An estimate of the annual saving for the islands' electricity system because of the second cable is put at 50 million euros.

Senior managers at Red Electrica have meanwhile confirmed that work on laying the new cable between Majorca and Minorca (from Cala Mesquida to Ciutadella) will begin this October. It will be operational in the new year. Costing 84 million euros, it is of particular importance in light of the prolonged outage that Minorca suffered because of last October's tornado.

As well as the second cable from the mainland and the new one for Minorca, Red Electrica are spending 78 million euros on cabling between Ibiza and Formentera that will be ready some time in 2021. There is to also be a link between Majorca and Ibiza.

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