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Warrant for British tourist's arrest

| Palma |

A warrant has been issued by a court in Palma for the arrest of a 52-year-old Briton who had been summoned to appear yesterday but did not.

The British tourist was detained on 22 June 2015. He had gone to Son Sant Joan Airport to take a flight back to the UK. At around ten o'clock at night, he was prevented from boarding as he showed clear signs of being drunk and of having taken some form of drug.

He went to the airline company's office where he let off a fire-extinguisher which affected a member of staff. Two National Police officers went to the scene and when they asked him for identity, he began exchanging blows with the officers. Given his size and his condition, reinforcements were called. He continued to act aggressively and tried to bite one of the officers. Two officers were off work for a few days as a result of injuries sustained.

The prosecution service has demanded a three-year sentence, a fine of 900 euros and compensation of 10,000 euros for the two officers and the airline employee.

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