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Thirty-four years for Sa Pobla drugs gang

Arrests were made in January 2017. | Alejandro Sepúlveda

| Palma |

The Provincial Court in Palma has handed out sentences totalling 34 years to nine members of a drug trafficking gang.

The group, drawn from four clans, was based in Sa Pobla. It was mainly operative between the start of 2016 and early 2017 and was selling cocaine and cannabis either directly or through dealer intermediaries.

The gang's leader, 'Chico', was sentenced to five years. Another gang member has received a stiffer sentence - six and a half years - because he used his underage brother for the dealing. Fines were also imposed, the heaviest of which was 20,000 euros for Chico. Other fines ranged from 7,000 to 15,000 euros.

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