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Father sentenced for sex with his underage daughter

The accused during the trial. | Guillermo Esteban

| Palma |

A man charged with sexually abusing his underage daughter and making her pregnant has been given a seven and a half year sentence by the Provincial Court in Palma.

The accused, who had a previous conviction for abusing the girl, admitted charges levelled by the prosecution. These included having broken the terms of a restraining order. Given that the accepted his guilt, the prosecution had agreed a reduction in the sentence with the defence. The original demand had been thirteen years.

He was ordered to pay 10,000 euros compensation and received a restraining order not to go near his daughter for ten years or his two other children for five years. On release, he will be subject to five years supervision.

Between 2017 and 2018, the accused went to the home where his daughter lived in Andratx. This was despite the court order. He had sexual relations with her on various occasions. When he became aware that he was under investigation, he went to a police station and confessed to the facts.

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