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Michael Brown facing five years for money laundering

Michael Brown.

| Palma |

Michael Brown, the financier who was a donor to the Liberal Democrats, faces trial in Palma. The anti-corruption prosecution service has accused him and his wife of money laundering and is seeking sentences of, respectively, five years and three and a half years imprisonment. In addition, the prosecution is demanding the payment of 15 million euros in fines.

Brown used to live in Esporles, and the prosecution maintains that he acquired assets in Majorca with money obtained from fraudulent activity in the UK. It is estimated that he netted some 56 million euros. He was sentenced to seven years in 2008 but fled to the Caribbean. Four years later, he was arrested in Punta Cana (Dominican Republic) and extradited to the UK.

The Spanish prosecution service sought permission from the UK authorities to question him. He refused to answer any questions. Although it is highly unlikely that Brown will appear in a Palma court, his wife is likely to. In any event, a seizure of his assets in Majorca could be ordered.

He lived the high life when he was on the island. He had two luxury properties, a Porsche, a Jaguar and a private jet. He also had an office on the calle Conqueridor in Palma, and from there he fed the fraud.

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