
China and America air routes being sought for Palma

PALMA. TRANSPORTE AEREO. Aterriza el avión más grande. Un Airbus A380 llegó ayer al aeropuerto

Direct flights from the USA, Canada, South America and China could eventually be landing in Palma. | T. AYUGA

| Palma |

The committee for the development of air routes for Palma's Son Sant Joan Airport is exploring connections to China, the United States, Canada, Argentina and Brazil, all markets considered to have potential for tourism.

The members of the committee are representatives from the regional government's transport and tourism ministries, the Council of Majorca, Palma town hall, the national government delegation, the Chamber of Commerce and the airports authority Aena. The committee is entrusting the tourism ministry's Aetib agency with making the first step. As reported in the Bulletin two weeks ago, Aetib will be attending the annual World Routes travel fair, which is being held this year in Guangzhou, China; it starts on 15 September.

As well as this global fair, there is to be attendance at others for specific markets - American, Asian and European.

The Council of Majorca is already in discussion with airlines (Norwegian in particular) about opening up routes with Canada and the US - Toronto and Boston are the airports which have been mentioned. Later this month, a delegation from the Council is to go to New York and hold talks with tour operators and with filmmakers; the idea would be to have them shoot promotional videos in Majorca.

At the meeting of the committee on Tuesday it was reported that the relative increase in airport traffic has been greater in the winter months than in the summer. Between November 2017 and March this year there was an average increase in passenger numbers of 12.6%. In the high season, the increase fluctuated between 1.2% and 3.8%. Although definitive information for August is not yet available, the indications are that there were fewer passengers in August than there were in June.

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