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Small shopkeepers want summer sales to be delayed

Summer sales. | Quique García

| Palma |

The association of small to medium sized traders, Pimeco, yesterday submitted a proposal to the government that the summer sales be delayed in future until the middle of August.

Association president, Toni Fuster, said that every year, the sales begin earlier and earlier and the attraction of major discounts is being lost because, thanks to the free market, the main retailers are able to offer special deals throughout the year.

“So, when we get to the sales, the response is lukewarm because people have been taking advantage of discounts all year.

“I have already spoken to a number of our members since the sales began last Friday, I would not say they are too enthusiastic about the response from consumers, in fact many are saying that footfall through their shops is currently very poor and expectations are not high.

“The summer sales is when we enjoy 60 percent of our annual sales and right now, we are well off the mark and I don’t think the large retailers are enjoying the volume of trade they were expecting either.”

Fuster went on to say that the local residents suffer from the early sales.

“Tourists will buy, sale or not, because they are looking for Spanish items. It’s incredible that it is 3 July and some of the large retailers are already offering second sales.

“What is more, prices are being slashed because consumers are not spending and this is not good for the local economy.”

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