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Rajoy falls, Sánchez is the new prime minister

Sánchez in, Rajoy out. | Efe / Reuters

| Palma |

As expected, the no-confidence motion against Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has been passed. Pedro Sánchez of PSOE is the new prime minister, he having led the motion and secured it with the help of Unidos Podemos and a collection of nationalist parties. Crucial to the success of the motion was the decision of the PNV Basque nationalists to back Sánchez. Their votes tipped the balance, a majority of 176 having been needed.

Rajoy congratulated Sánchez. "As a democrat", he accepted the result of the motion, even though he did not agree with "what has been done". He said that it had been an honour to have created a better Spain than the one that he had encountered when he became prime minister.

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