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More car parking planned for Inca Hospital

Finding a space to park at Inca Hospital can sometimes be impossible. | Maria Nadal

| Inca |

The car parking at Inca Hospital is totally inadequate. There isn't enough of it, while some of the layout makes it awkward to park or leave a parking space, assuming one can be found.

Inca town therefore intends creating further parking on land near to the hospital which will require a reclassification of use. Mayor Virgilio Moreno says that this land is the only real option because the hospital is otherwise surrounded by roads. Once there has been a reclassification, the land will be ceded to the government so that it can undertake the actual building of the additional car park. At present there are 394 spaces in all, which are simply not enough, especially on the days when there is high outpatient demand.

Moreno explains that the administration has been seeking an improvement since it took office in 2015. The health service has announced that it will be extending the emergency wing, but it also needs to do something about the parking. The inadequacy of the existing spaces means that cars are parked on roads by the hospital.

Modifying the land classification will take some time, as of course will the building of the car park. In the meantime, there is to be some parking on another plot of land by the hospital, which will be courtesy of the transport ministry, and the town hall is looking at other possibilities in the area. Moreno adds that opening the car park at the Plaça Antoni Mateu will be one of these, albeit that it will require a bus journey (or a walk) to get to the hospital.

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