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Public administration

150 government officials earning more than President Armengol

The Balearic government - combined earnings of over 700,000 euros. | CAIB

| Palma |

More than 400 senior officials will receive salaries in 2018 that are higher than those earned by government ministers. In the case of around 150 of them, they will have salaries which exceed what President Armengol will be paid - 66,240 euros.

The ministerial salary is 58,461 euros, to which - where some ministers are concerned - there is an additional 22,000 euros compensation. This is for ministers from Ibiza and Minorca, and there are three: Pilar Costa, the minister for the presidency and government spokesperson; Marc Pons, the land, energy and transport minister; and Fanny Tur at culture, participation and sport. Senior officials also receive this compensation for needing to live in Majorca.

The salaries of some senior officials are being bumped up because of the full application of the so-called professional career bonus, which can be as much as 12,000 euros per annum. As previously reported, there are some ministers who believe that this bonus, or at least its scale, is outrageous, but it is one that the government has felt obliged to restore following the cuts that were made by the Bauzá Partido Popular administration.

One of the highest earners next year - the salary will be at least 90,000 euros - will be the director of the new anti-corruption office, which is to finally see the light of day in 2018.

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