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Town halls

Pollensa town hall approves Can Conill as health centre site

Can Conill in Pollensa, currently a car park. | Elena Ballestero

| Pollensa |

A special council meeting of Pollensa town hall has given the go-ahead for a new health centre to be built on the Can Conill car park in the town. The motion required the support of the two councillors from the Alternativa per Pollença, as it had faced stiff opposition, especially from former mayor Tomeu Cifre's Tots per Pollença.

There will now be a fifteen-day period for submissions from those who don't agree with the site being ceded to the health ministry. These submissions may come from the 1,500 people who signed a petition raised by Tots, who argue that the building will create a significant problem with car parking. They also criticise the administration for its inability in finding an alternative site for the health centre.

Although the Junts-UMP administration got the backing of the Alternativa, the party's spokesperson, Marina Llobera, attacked the slowness in forwarding all the necessary documentation to the health ministry: it has so far taken more than ten months. The Alternativa also turned on Tots, accusing them of being obstructive.

The administration says that it is already looking for other places for a new car park. Can Conill, close to the Sant Domingo Convent, was once earmarked for the building of the auditorium.

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