
Balearic climate change legislation will be "pioneering"

More charging points for electric vehicles will be needed. | Archive

| Palma |

Balearic legislation on climate change and energy transition will be pioneering in Spain, according to regional energy minister, Marc Pons. "It will be a declaration of intent and be linked to a series of obligations" to move towards renewable energy and zero emissions.

In explaining the legislation yesterday, Pons stressed its participative aspect. The law represents a new political course in response to scientific evidence and to public awareness. "The fight against climate change is at the centre of the political agenda."

Over the autumn and winter, he said, there will be debate and proposals in order to arrive at legislation that will be "ambitious" and which will be "lasting over time". There are two aims. One is to set a timetable for meeting European objectives in reducing CO2. The second is to combat the effects of climate change on economic sectors and on Balearic territory. Agriculture, the landscape and the sea are fundamental, he noted.

Pons made reference to moves that have been initiated to subsidise photovoltaic panels, to the fact that all the energy that the government consumes is renewable, and to the increase in charging points for electric vehicles. He stressed, however, that these measures are insufficient. A legal framework that establishes future action is therefore needed.

The minister drew attention to the participative process by which his department has received more than 2,000 individual responses in addition to those from more than 35 businesses and at various workshops and round table discussions. Society shows there is "consensus" for "urgent measures to combat climate change". Among findings from this process, he outlined, was 85% high level of agreement that climate change must be addressed as a matter of urgency. Three-quarters believed that business is not doing enough to reduce emissions and that government policies are inadequate in dealing with climate change.

The legislation is expected to be approved by the cabinet in the first quarter of next year and then be forwarded to parliament. In the Balearics at present only two per cent of electricity production comes from renewables.

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