
Action against pirate taxis to be intensified

An alleged pirate taxi driver at Ibiza airport. The taxi in the photo is of course a licensed one. | DE

| Palma |

The regional government is to approve a decree aimed at illegal, "pirate" taxis. A specific committee will unveil the precise details of this plan next week, but the transport ministry has already given information to interested parties at a meeting of the Balearic Transport Council.

The main focus is on pirate taxis operating at the airports. Increased controls and inspections are to be introduced, while there is to be monitoring of websites through which illegal transport services are offered. Fines will range from 6,000 to 12,000 euros for advertising illegal services, and this monitoring will be conducted between June and September.

There is to be a change of emphasis where controls are concerned. Rather than have these in different parts of the island, they will be concentrated on access points for the airports, which is where most pirate activity occurs.

Salvador Servera, the manager of the Balearic transport operators' federation, and Gabriel Moragues, the president of one of the taxi-drivers' associations, have both welcomed the government's initiative. "Everything that can be done to fight this 'intrusion' is good."

The new legal device will increase the time that vehicles used for illegal activities can be immobilised and it will also include improvements to the regulation of services provided by coach operators. The aim here is to provide legal cover to contracts when there is unplanned demand in the peak season. Companies will be able to subcontract services in future.

There is to also be greater control of companies offering hire cars with drivers that are based outside the Balearics. National regulations already stipulate that such companies can only have 20% of their business outside their own territories. A register is to be made of all these vehicles.

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