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Summer fire-prevention campaign has started

A water-bombing helicopter in action against a fire in Minorca. | Archive

| Palma |

From yesterday until 15 October, the Balearic Islands are on a state of high risk of forest fires, this being the normal declaration of risk for the summer season. It is strictly forbidden to use fire in forest areas and within 500 metres of such areas unless there is express permission.

The environment ministry, as usual, is asking for the public's cooperation in preventing fires, and especially from people living in forest areas and those who visit them or work in them.

Since 2000, the campaign of fire prevention has been all-year round, with the means of dealing with fires increased or decreased according to the level of risk and weather and forest conditions.

The public is advised to be especially careful with cigarettes, the use of machinery, the burning of vegetation and fireworks. Some 90% of fires are caused by negligence, accidents or deliberate acts.

In recreational areas, there are posters which draw attention to the risk of fires. These add to a general campaign of awareness-raising. The ministry stresses that everyone is responsible for fire safety, something reflected in the slogan: "Not one fire in the forest; your safety depends on you."

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