
Transport minister planning a 25% increase in bus users

More buses, more users and greater frequency in the future. | Archive

| Palma |

Transport minister Marc Pons responded to criticisms of the new bus services to tourist resorts by observing that he understands that some sectors will disagree with the services. There are spaces for debate, he noted, and for the continuation of working together.

Pons made his remarks during today's presentation of the draft plan for Majorca's road public transport - a new model for more efficient transport. The aim will be for a 25% increase in the number of bus users by 2021. A further intention is to progressively introduce electric buses and so cut emission levels.

As had been explained previously, Pons wishes to reduce the number of bus service concessionaires. The present agreements expire at the end of next year. The plan is to consolidate the concessions in three zones. By this, it is hoped that there will be greater guarantee of the same levels of service.

A further aspect of the plan is for a 20% increase in the overall service, meaning that there will be greater frequency, new routes and night services. Ensuring better service to tourist resorts is one element of this.

There is also to be a simplification of the tariff system through the introduction of a card payment system. This will also help to cut waiting times at bus stops. Real-time travel information will also be made available at stops, in buses and through mobile apps.

The plan has raised some concerns among users, local authorities and the concessionaires, and Pons admitted that the government now faces months of intense work. It will do so, he said, with a constructive attitude and from the point of view of the general interest.

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