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Inca town hall unable to arrive at consensus for northern bypass

Land was due to have been used under the original plan for the road. | Maria Nadal

| Inca |

The project for a bypass on the northern side of Inca has still to be agreed, and the Partido Popular in the town have denounced the inability of the town hall administration to come to a consensual agreement: there are four parties in this administration - PSOE, Més, Independents and El Pi.

The PP's former mayor and now chief spokesperson, Rafel Torres, explains that the Council of Majorca's plan for financing road works expires next year. If the town hall doesn't get a move on and come to an agreement, Inca will miss out and will not have the new bypass. Another PP representative, Antonio Aguilar, notes that the Council's roads' department will be undertaking work to connect Lloseta to the motorway without knowing what Inca wants. "It's amazing that they can't come to an agreement when they all included the road in their election manifestos."

Aguilar observes that while they argue, the public continue to have put up with serious traffic problems in the town. "They have had a year and a half but haven't moved forward at all."

The four parties which make up the administration all opposed the original proposal for the road that the PP made in 2014. Following the municipal election last year, there was a meeting with the Council's councillor for infrastructure, Mercedes Garrido, at which an alternative was outlined: it involved the elimination of the final stretch of the road and a resizing of the overall project.

The Council urged the town hall to come up with a proposal, since when there have been different ones put forward by different parties. For example, Més have now said that they only want there to be a road which links the Binissalem and Selva roads. The Independents and El Pi then made their view known, which was to reactivate the bypass scheme.

In September, the town hall contracted a technical expert to come up with assessments of the different proposals from the political parties. But this still hasn't led to there being any consensus.

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