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One in three summer job contracts was fraudulent

A protest in June this year against the precarious nature of employment in the Balearics. | Miquel A. Cañellas

| Palma |

Balearic employment inspectors checked more than 9,000 job contracts in July and August, and more than a third were found to have been fraudulent.

The director of employment, social economy and labour health, Isabel Castro, announced these figures at a presentation yesterday about the campaign against job insecurity. She added that 89 proceedings have resulted, for which the total fines will amount to over 340,000 euros.

The employment minister, Iago Negueruela, said that the working conditions of 5,500 workers were improved because temporary contracts were made permanent, because hours were increased or because these they were registered with social security.

There were checks on over 2,600 part-time contracts, and in 453 cases the number of hours was increased. He noted that there had been more fraudulent contracts in Ibiza and Formentera than last year. In Minorca there was a decrease, while in Majorca the number was much the same.

One consequence of the campaign was that 93 people who had been working black were placed on the social security register, and that inspectors had managed to recover more than 37,000 euros of contributions to social security.

During July and August, 32 inspectors and sub-inspectors were involved. Of these, there were 16 in Majorca, six in Minorca, eight in Ibiza and two in Formentera. There were 1,304 visits, 555 of them during in the evenings or at night.

The number of contracts that inspectors upgraded from temporary to permanent increased on average from 64 in 2015 to 106.

Negueruela stated once more that a key objective of the government is to combat the precarious nature of employment, adding that employment couldn't be "at any price". He stressed the need for "decent" working conditions, observing that the temporary nature of employment continues to be a "scourge".

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