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Tourist satisfaction: accommodation good but repeat business may drop

Almost half of those surveyed said they would return for a Majorca all-inclusive holiday. | P. Lozano

| Palma |

The latest annual survey of tourist satisfaction conducted by the Palma-based research organisation Gadeso offers the same result in terms of the overall level of satisfaction as in 2015: 4.6 out of ten, which is below the 2014 figure of 4.8. Of the four main categories in the survey, only one - public services - has an increased level of satisfaction: up to 4.5 from 4.4. Accommodation has the same rating of 5.8 as in 2015, while the environment stays as it was and specialised offer (restaurants, shops and others) drops a further point.

While accommodation secures the highest overall ratings for satisfaction, two factors - staff and the price-quality ratio - are the same as last year; they are both down on 2014 ratings. The greatest deficiencies among the four main categories are for gastronomic and retail offers (non-hotel), cleanliness (e.g. streets), noise levels and cultural services. The most deficient of all (2.8) is the price-quality ratio in the specialised offer sector. This can be interpreted in different ways, but one might be that prices for eating-out are considered too high relative to the quality received.

Accommodation is broken down into sub-categories - five in all. Of these, hotels and tourist apartments (those that are of the regulated variety that are sometimes run by hotel companies) secure the lowest levels of overall satisfaction. Respectively 4.8 and 4.7, these values are below the 6.9 for agrotourism, 6.7 for rural hotels and the 6.1 for "residential accommodation". This is a reference to holiday rentals, be they regulated or not.

In the specific case of all-inclusive hotels, the level of satisfaction is 4.9. Forty-five per cent of respondents say that they would come again to an all-inclusive.

The main reason for tourists coming to Majorca are price (64.1%), though this percentage is down from 69.7 last year, and sun and beach: the 50.8% is also lower, as it was 54.3% in 2015.

And will tourists be returning to Majorca? In 2014, 37.1% said that they would. This figure is now 33.9%.

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