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Palma hotels may have to pay more for water

The Gorg Blau reservoir's capacity has been greatly reduced. | R.L.

| Palma |

Hotels in Palma could find that they have to pay more for water from next year. With municipalities in Majorca introducing measures to limit water consumption on account of the shortage, Palma is considering following suit. Councillor Neus Truyol, president of the Emaya municipal services agency, says that the town hall is studying an increase in rates charged to the highest consumers of water. She observes that there is already a progressive system of charging for water but suggests that this progressive system could become more onerous for the likes of hotels.

The average consumption for an overnight stay in a hotel is calculated as being 278 litres. By contrast, average daily domestic consumption is 110 litres.

The water shortage has had an impact on Palma's spending. In the first six months of the year, it had to buy in 4.3 million cubic metres of desalinated water at a cost of 3.2 million. This was done in order to not draw from the Tramuntana reservoirs, which were at low capacity because of lack of rain and snow. A budget of six million for desalinated water has been allocated for the whole year.

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