
Jet2holidays to expand in-hotel flight check in service to Majorca

| Palma |

Jet2holidays is to begin rolling out an in-hotel flight check-in service after a trial indicated it would influence which hotels customers select in the future. The service gives holidaymakers the opportunity to take their passport to their hotel reception and check in for their flight home before leaving for the airport. Members of the hotel’s reception staff then print off tags for their customers’ suitcases which are delivered to the airport separately.

The tour operator began the trial across ten hotels in Benidorm in April and it has seen a 90% take up. The service will be extended to Alicante over the winter and is set to be introduced in new destinations next summer.

Jet2holidays’ commercial director, Steve Lee, said: “With Benidorm firmly established, we’re now looking at rolling this out across our network and we’re already planning to introduce it here in Majorca and in the Canary Islands. A total of 96% of customers were very happy with this service and 84% said it would affect their choice of hotel.”

It is thought that Jet2holidays is the first tour operator to be offering the in-hotel flight check in service in Europe, with some firms in the Caribbean known to have introduced such an option. Asked whether the service would pose a security risk, Jet2holidays and chief executive Steve Heapy said it goes through a complete security audit and that the bags are supervised at all times.

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