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Political unanimity sought against oil prospecting


| Palma |

Having obtained the agreement of all political parties in the Balearic parliament to a document against oil prospecting, groups opposed to exploration are asking for similar consensus when it comes to a motion to be presented tomorrow.

This document, which had the title of “political commitment to achieve a Spanish Mediterranean free of prospecting for hydrocarbons,” was drawn up by the Alianza Mar Blava, Eivissa diu No and Eivissa Antipetrolífera. The motion, led by the parliamentary member for Gent per Formentera, Siliva Tur i Ribas, is named: “Declaration of the exclusive economic zone of the slope of the state-owned Mediterranean as a marine area free of prospecting and exploration for and extraction of hydrocarbons.”

The pressure groups believe that unanimous approval by all parties is fundamental in moving forward the goal of the next national parliament approving, with urgency, a law that will ban prospecting.

On 2 September in Ibiza, there was a public formalisation of the agreement between the parties in the parliament.

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