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Northern News Spotlight

New agreement sought for Cap Pinar access

Cap Pinar, guarded by the military. | T. Ayuga

| Alcudia |

The issue of public access to the area of Cap Pinar in Alcudia continues to be one of some controversy. Essentially off-limits since the late 1940s when it became a military zone, agreements as to access have been sought, attained but not thoroughly acted upon. One of 2011 envisaged controlled visits of 50 people per day, but this didn't come into effect because of costs involved in terms of maintenance of an area of some one thousand hectares. There was also a feeling that the ministry of defence was simply dragging its heels.

The army has half a dozen soldiers present at Cap Pinar, to which access is not only prevented by land, it is also prohibited by sea. Arriving at a new agreement with the ministry is now a subject for the regional government as well as for Alcudia town hall (both had been in agreement with the 2011 arrangement). Environment minister, Vicenç Vidal, wants to start "from scratch" in coming to an accord with the military who, for their part, say that the small detachment of personnel is insufficient to control great numbers of visitors.

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