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Fears of ferry pollution allayed



The national government delegate in Valencia gives assurances regarding the ferry’s towing, stressing that all requirements have been complied with.The national government delegate to the Valencia Community, Serafin Castellano, stressed yesterday that the owners of the stricken Palma-Valencia ferry, the Sorrento, had urgently complied with the requirements governing the towing of the ferry to the port of Sagunto in Valencia from the site of the fire that broke out on Tuesday last week .
Castellano made his comments following a meeting with the president of Valencia’s municipalities and provinces, Elena Bastidas, at which concerns that residents of the port area have regarding the movement of the ship were raised.
The government delegate pointed out that the maritime authority had guaranteed that there would he no risk of any escape of fuel, while he emphasised that there was absolutely no chance of the ferry sinking.
“Under no circumstances would the ferry be allowed to be moved unless the maritime authority’s requirements had been complied with,” he said.

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