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The latest Holiday Costs Barometer from Post Office Travel Money  has revealed that while Ibiza is the most expensive destination in Spain, Majorca is the chespeat in the Balearics.
In-resort prices have fallen across Europe to make it a bargain-hunters’ paradise, according to a report from the Post Office.
The latest Holiday Costs Barometer from Post Office Travel Money found the cost of tourist staples, including meals and drinks, are down in 13 of 14 resorts surveyed.
The biggest year-on-year fall was in the Algarve where prices dropped 22%.
The only destination where prices didn’t drop was in inflation-hit Turkey.
Of the 14 popular resorts in the study, Bulgaria’s Sunny Beach was found to be the cheapest.
“Almost three months after hitting a seven-year high, sterling is still holding strong against the euro and other European currencies to make holidays on the continent significantly cheaper in many of the resorts surveyed,” said the report.
“While Sunny Beach is the clear winner on value in the survey of 14 European destinations, the biggest price falls over the past year have been in the Algarve.
“A significant reduction in the cost of eating out has contributed to a 22% drop in the barometer basket to £44.02 - making the Algarve 8% cheaper than third-placed Costa del Sol (£47.90).”  As a result, the Algarve has overtaken the Costa to reach the runner-up spot.

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