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(c) Sergio G. Canizares

By Francisco Cortez

Majorcan consumer rights groups Facua and local businesses associations  Pimem and CAEB  yesterday slammed the local government for “selling” the locals the story about cheaper airline fares.The tourism department said earlier this week that inter island airline fares and those between the islands and mainland Spain had slumped since 2008, but the three groups are finding that information “hard to believe”.
“It’s very strange that the governement’s view on the subject is the complete opposite  of the locals who feel fares have actually gone up over  the past 6 years,” a spokesperson from consumer body Facua said.
“This is an insult to Balearic residents and an absurd joke.
“Prices have gone up progressively and during the holiday season even more.”
The consumer rights group went further suggesting this is nothing but electioneering, with the regional elections around the corner (the elections are less than two months away).
“It’s an electoral campaign, and even worse, it’s the wrong campaign.
“And we don’t believe for a second that the director of Ports and Airports, Antonio Deudero, honestly believes this report.”
Deudero said earlier this week he was “surprised by the results” delivered by the tourism department but added that “results are what they are”.

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