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Government says fumigating “under control”

Palma.—In yesterday’s Daily Bulletin, personal trainer Luke Wills used his regular column to write about his concerns over the risks the government’s plan to fumigate forests to try and kill the Pine Processionary caterpillar pose to the public’s and animals’ health.
After hours of telephoning the Ministry for the Environment he was assured it was under control and that the pesticide used posed no threat to humans or animals, however, he later discovered the contrary.
Apparently, the pesticide being used in the campaign, which runs until 17 November, can cause various kinds of cancer.
And, Wills is not the only person concerned. Yesterday the Balearic government had to answer opposition parties and local environmental groups which  are also concerned about the threat the fumigating by helicopters and planes poses to human health.
According to Balearic government spokesperson, Nuria Riera,  the fumigation plan is “totally under control and that authorised products are being used.”

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