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Surge in winter flights, but not to UK



Airport authority AENA confirmed yesterday that there will be significantly more winter flights serving the Balearics this winter, but not from the UK.

Palma.—The Bulletin has already begun to receive letters from angry readers who are having  problem booking flights from the UK, in particular Scotland,  to Majorca this winter and it does not appear that the situation is going to get any better until early next year.
For some parts of the rest of Europe and the mainland, however, it is a completely different story. Yesterday, it was confirmed that winter flight traffic in and out of  the Balearics will be 7.6 percent higher than last year with three million more aircraft seats  available.

Mainland boom
Aena reported yesterday that there are currently 20,500 outbound flights programmed from Balearic airports over the next five months.
The largest number of flights are going to between the islands and the mainland.
Between now and March, nearly two million seats will be available on flights to the mainland, 180,000 more than last year as the domestic tourist industry continues to show signs  of recovery.
Obviously, the busiest airport is going to be Palma’s Son San Joan with 2.4 million in and out bound flight seats programmed for the winter, 8.5 percent more than last year.

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