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Tourists are spending more money while on holiday:survey

Palma.—Tourists are spending more money while on holiday in Spain, according to the latest figures from the Spanish ministry for tourism.
During the first six months of this year  tourists visiting Spain spent an average of 111 euros per day, an increase of 1 percent.
From January to June of this year the biggest spenders were the British who left 5,212 million euros in Spain, an increase of almost 10 percent. The British were closely followed by the Germans with 4,393 million euros, an increase of 9.4 percent and then the Scandinavians who left 2,798 million euros in Spain.
But it wasn´t all great news for the Balearics, compared to the rest of the country, with tourists spending 3,466 million euros from January to June a fall of three percent.  
Sixty-percent of all tourist spending goes to pay for the holiday with the remaining sum being spent in resort.

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