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Palma’s Good Citizen Plan is delayed


Palma.—It was due to go into force this month, then next month but now, Palma’s Good Citizen Plan will not be introduced across the whole municipality until September.

The only area where it does come in to effect next month and offenders will be fined is the Playa de Palma.

While the Good Citizen Plan has technically been introduced, special teams of Local Police will undergo training during the first week of June to learn what the plan means and what the new laws and fines are before being dispatched across the municipality to hand out leaflets and inform the general public of exactly what the plan means.

The awareness campaign is going to run until the end of July after which time the council will study all the feed back from the general public before rollingthe plan out across the whole municipality in September.

The new regulations will see penalties handed out for anything from riding a bicycle on the pavement to wearing a bikini, swimsuit or swimming trunks in the street and no top away from the beach or sea front promenade.

Fines will also be handed out to people caught spitting in public and failing to clear up after their pets.

Palma City Councillor for Tourism and Deputy Mayor Alvaro Gijon has explained that the new laws are intended to regulate and instil good behaviour for tourists and residents with the aim of preserving "harmony and civility".

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