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Estaras:why this election is so important for Europe

European Member of Parliament meets members of the expatriate community.

AT a well-attended pre European election campaign meeting, Partido Popular (PP) candidate and incumbent MEP Rosa Estaras  addressed a large grouping of representatives from various island based international groupings on Wednesday evening. This slickly organised gathering gave Sra Estaras the opportunity to outline her parties European manifesto and to stress to the ‘representatives’ present her personal philosophy regarding Europe, and perhaps just as importantly, why these upcoming elections are so important to the continent in general and the Balearic islands in particular. In a wide ranging speech Estaras spoke fluently in both Spanish and English about the need for the European Union to broaden and deepen its appeal to the general public. In a contribution that was surprisingly lacking in party political points scoring (she didn’t mention the PSOE once!) she concentrated her comments on the positive elements of the EU. Outlining the fact that more than 70% of Europe wide legislation emanates from Brussels she directed her ‘fire’ at the need for nations to work together in maintaining peace, economic growth and political stability in a world that has become even more fractious and divisive.

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