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Calvia.—Cameron Springthorpe is a thirty seven year old yacht skipper whose mission is to help his local community so last year he, his wife and friends from their local church launched Street Angels in Majorca.  
At the time Cameron spoke to the Bulletin about his desire to help:  “Over the last couple of years seeing news reports about the ongoing trouble in Magalluf and living in El Toro … Magalluf is almost on our doorstep, we felt we should do something positive. Close friends of ours had set up Street Angels in Yorkshire seven years ago so we knew about it from them; they explained how Street Angels has been hugely successful in the UK and is now operating in over a hundred towns and cities over there. My wife and I are members of the Santa Ponsa Community Church and we wanted to do something practical to help people get home safely, our friends at the church also felt the same.”
Cameron and his volunteers brought that success story to the streets of Santa Ponsa and Magalluf during their first season and intend to carry on their good work in 2014. This includes picking up people from the streets who are in a vulnerable state i.e. inebriated, asleep or in a semi-conscious state and helping them to their hotels or a place of safety.

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