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Editorial: Tough talk


“I can’t imagine Spain without Catalonia, or Catalonia out of Europe,”  Spanish Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy said in parliament this week. On the surface it would appear to be a rather innocent and supportive comment by the Prime Minister but if you read between the lines Rajoy is warning the Catalan independents that if they leave Spain they will also be leaving the European Union. Rajoy has said that he would veto any attempt by an independent Catalonia to join the European Union. Infact, Spain could even veto any attempt by Scotland to join the European Union basically because of Catalonia. I think Rajoy is wrong. His tough stance with the nationalists will only increase their support “back home.” Rajoy should allow them to have a referendum because this issue is not going to go away. The nationalist will continue to fight to breakaway from Spain  and the Spanish government will continue to say no. Prime Minister, David Cameron was right to approve the Scottish independence vote. The issue had to be settled once and for all. Cameron is also right to say that it is an issue for Scotland and its people. Rajoy should do the same. I suspect that if a referendum did take place in Catalonia a majority, albeit a small one, would vote to remain part of Spain. Isuspect that there will be a similar result in Scotland with an overall majority for the No vote. Rajoy is just playing into the hands  of the nationalists. Tough talk is not that clever.

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