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From Manacor to Palma in less than an hour

Palma.—Majorca’s railway service will today launch a new high speed train service between Manacor and Palma.

The journey will take less than an hour, 59 minutes to be precise.

Every weekday from today until September the three wagon train will leave Manacor towards the Majorcan capital.

It is set to stop in Petra, Sineu, Inca with the consequent transfer in el Enllaç and Marratxi, before arriving in Palma at 7.58a.m.

Railway bosses said yesterday this new journey will save commuters 10 minutes, and assured it will not clash or disrupt timetables on the train lines connecting trains and shuttle buses.

This new service will be on a trial basis.

It will run until the end of the Summer season, and depending on the response of the public, and how useful it proves to be, an extension of the train service could be on the cards.

Timetables could also be extended.

Yesterday it was also announced new changes to bus services are due. From 1 April seven new bus routes will be operational to face the increasing public demand during Spring and the Summer months, when the island’s population balloons, due to the large number of visitors.

For more information on the new bus services visit,

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