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Yacht club project not approved by all

Plans to increase the mooring space in Puerto Pollensa’s Royal Yacht club continue to cause disagreements between Balearic authorities.


By Francisco Cortez

Palma.—This week club directors delivered to the local council and the department of Environment plans describing the environmental impact should the project to increase the mooring space to vessels larger than 25 metres to 70 is approved have on the area. But left wing political party Esquerra yesterday voiced its opposition to the project. They are adamant that instead of increasing the number of moorings, Balearic authorities should press the ministry of defense to make space available for public use at the naval base in the port. "It does not make sense to use more space when there is suitable infrastructures available nearby," a spokesman for the party said yesterday.

President of the club, Pedro Siquier, explained the project presented could take several years to complete, since the concession of the club expires in 2018 and there are still doubts over what will happen after that, but added it is always good to introduce these plans just in case things work out after 2018.

"Similar projects have been presented to previous governments so it’s worth chance. We don’t have any more mooring space, and spaces for large vessels are the ones we are more desperate for." The club is also negotiating the fees the club pay to the Balearic Government. In 2005 the club chose not to go private so fees would stay stable but recent policy changes have risen the annual fee paid to the authorities from 22,000 euros to 28,000.

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