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Spaniards prefer “slow,” not fast, food

A STUDY carried out by the supermarket chain Carrefour on Spaniards' tastes in Housing, Decoration and Food has showed that the country's inhabitants prefer paella, home-made stew, pasta dishes and potato omelettes (tortilla) to hamburgers, pizza and meat dishes. The same research put the Balearics top of the list for trying to prepare meals with health in mind.

With modern concerns on obesity and diabetes getting plenty of press coverage, it was an encouraging report that was released yesterday suggesting that 72 percent of those interviewed were guided by “healthy eating" issues when it came to preparing the table at home. The trend for “watching what you eat” increased with age as the young were inclined to “eat what they felt like”.

The people who show the most care with their diet, claimed the Carrefour poll were citizens in the Balearic and Canary Islands (85 percent), and those who showed least knowledge of how to eat healthily were those in the northeast of the country (64 percent). The figures speak for themselves - the report revealed that when asked about their favourite dishes, Spaniards answered: paella (24%); home-made stew (17%); pasta dishes (17%); potato omelette (12%), giving a sound beating to hamburgers (0.3%); pizza (0.7%); and meat dishes (2%). People aged between 41 and 70 tended to prefer paella, whilst the under 40s chose pasta.

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