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A record November for rain and temperatures

Palma.—Last month was the wettest and warmest November since records began in some parts of Majorca, the Balearic Met. office reported yesterday. According to the Met. office, record rainfall was recorded by four of the island's seven most important weather stations in November.

Although, at others, rainfall was not higher than in 2001 which also featured a record wet November.

“Some of the levels of rain recorded were double and even treble the norm for this time of year,” Met. office boss Agustin Jansa said. For example, in Sa Pobla, 222 litres of rain per square metre more than usual was recorded and in Palma, 175 litres more than average for the month of November.

But, not only was last month a wet one, it was also much milder than usual.
At three of the weather stations, all previous records were broken.
In the Port of Pollensa, for example, the average temperature during November was 17.2ºC, nearly 3ºC higher than the monthly average.
In Lluc, where it is not unusual to see the first flurries of snow during November, the average temperature was 13.6ºC, again, nearly 3ºC higher than the November norm. And, in Sa Pobla, the average temperature was 15.9ºC, 1.9ºC higher than the average.

However, again, Jansa said that at the other weather stations, record temperatures were not recorded and that November 2006, still holds the record for being the warmest across the island.

The night time minimums have also been higher than normal.
By nearly 4ºC in some areas, according to Jansa yesterday.

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