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Balearic President called to clarify future of Playa de Palma

PARTIDO Popular (PP) Parliamentary spokesman Antoni Pastor said yesterday that his party is to call on Balearic President Francesc Antich to clarify what he has in mind for the future of the Playa de Palma, now that the plans for its reform have been put on a back burner .

Pastor said that the President should have spoken to the Balearic Parliament on his own initiative about the matter particularly as it was of such importance to the regional economy.

The PP now wants a public explanation over what is, and what is not going to happen in the reform of the Playa de Palma, a project which the government has said has to be reassessed in the light of a deluge of complaints from residents and businesses affected by it.

The issue of the Playa de Palma reform is just one of a number of agenda items which the PP is to bring up at today's Parliamentary session.
Other “hot topics” include the lack of political consensus over next year's regional budget, allegedly stymied by the ruling Socialist party who say they are legally entitled to extend the already-existing 2010 budgets into next year without the consensus of opposition parties. For the first time in the history of the Balearic Parliament, said PP Member for Parliament, Mabel Cabrer, the Finance Minister has failed to present a budgetary programme for the coming year.

Cabrer said that her party will be condemning the government for its failure to introduce measures to avoid such a stalemate.
The opposition is also angry that during the term of office of the present Balearic government, record public debt has been run up. “Because the government hasn't had sufficient income from business taxation after the economic crisis,” said Cabrer, “public services are now in danger because the government may not have sufficient money to pay for them.” Of particular concern to other Parliamentary parties is the amount of regional public spending which needs to be allocated to the new general hospital of Son Espases in Palma.

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