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Animal rights groups “disgusted” at Delgado photos

Photographs published over the weekend of the Minister for Tourism enjoying a hunting trip have sparked widespread outrage, no less with animal rights groups.

Palma.—The former Partido Popular Mayor of Calvia, Carlos Delgado, has come under heavy fire since his photograph taken sat astride a dead Stag, rifle in hand and with his arms held aloft in triumph, was published.

In what appears a ‘hunting' ritual, senior politician Delgado is also pictured with a blood smeared face with the testicles of the beast cut off and placed upon the politician's head.

The picture story first emerged in the Bulletin's sister paper Ultima Hora over the weekend and the images have shocked society at large.
Yesterday, Julie Ford, the Vice-president of the British-founded Centro Canino animal shelter condemned the photographs , the Minister's behaviour and attitude towards animals. “At first, I was shocked by the photos, along with all of the members of the committee here. “And secondly, we absolutely condemn what he did. How can a person in a high profile public position engage is such a cruel practice. “The pictures send out a dreadful image, totally the wrong one for a country which is slowly getting to grips with animal welfare. “We and all the other shelters have worked so hard for so many years to increase public awareness of protecting animals and looking after their welfare that things like this just come as a major set back when we are still trying to move society forward. “It's going to be impossible if this is the attitude public figures take towards animals. “It's extremely upsetting and annoying,” Ford added.
The Minister for Tourism has also been strongly critcised by opposition politicians and other social groups.
The Socialists have accused the PP of having created a chauvinist government in the Balearics - the only regional government in Spain which has no female Ministers and criticised the government for not having sided with the public and condemned Delgado.

But, Delgado has also provoked a storm of protest in the British expatriate community at large. Social media sites have been buzzing with scores of negative and vitriolic comments all aimed at Señor Delgado and his alleged triumphalism at the death of this Stag, apparently shot on an organised hunting expedition.

Furious animal lovers have been posting notices such as ………. “Delgado you should be ashamed,” …… “Seriously wrong,” ……. “it's disgusting” and “Would love to give him the same treatment. What a man? Yeah right!” The majority of the “posts” seem to come from outraged women, but men have also waded into this rather one- sided debate. Angry expatriate animal lovers are already calling for the Tourism Minister's political head in what can only be described as a storm of outrage which is going to rumble on.

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