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Social Security registration plummets at end of October

THE number of foreigners registered for Social Security in the Balearics fell by 13.41 percent in October in respect of the previous month, a figure which fell even further amongst European Community members to 20 percent. The hotel sector plummeted most noticeably by 40.93 percent. According to the central government Ministry for Employment, there were only 68'027 foreign workers signed on with Social Security in the Islands, compared to 78'570 in September. Of this figure, 22'279 are members of the European Union.
A total of 45'496 workers from overseas were affiliated in the Balearics in October.
By sector, as reported in Sunday's Bulletin, construction is the area which occupies the largest number of foreigners, 13'040, 3.35 percent more than in September, followed by the hostelry with 11'108, 40.93 percent less than the previous month. Ecuador is the country which dominates the foreign labour sector, followed by Germany, Morocco and Britain.

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