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Students take to the streets

Palma.— “Education should never be touched, it should always be public and quality” was the slogan for yesterday's mass march by Balearic university students on the Balearic government headquarters in protest against proposed cuts to the education system. The demonstration in defense of a right to a public education was not only held in Palma but by 20 universities across Spain.

University students fear a further shakeup in the university system after Sunday's general elections. “Public universities RIP” read some of the placards while others were plastered with slogans such as “generation with no future”.
Spokesperson for the student union at the Balearic University, Julia Sanso said that the consequences of the cut backs are already evident at the university and warned that yesterday's university students strike was just the first of many as students will be looking to challenge the new government over its proposed cuts and reformation to the university system.

No supply teachers
Apparently some classrooms have already been closed and some teachers who have been off sick for the past two months, have not been replaced by supply teachers.

And, according to Sanso, the government has reduced the university's budget for 2012 by nearly five percent.
Union bosses attending the march said that they intend to get parents involved in the protest because the cuts in funding are going to lead to a drop in quality of the education their children receive.

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