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Electricity connection with the mainland ready in a year


A SUPPLY of electricity will be flowing from the mainland to the Balearics within a year, thanks to a cable link being set up by power transport specialists, Red Eléctrica de España.

The company was presenting the project yesterday at the Son Bugadelles industrial estate in Calvia where two undersea cables will eventually be arriving from their supply point at Sagunto in Valencia.

Once up and running the electricity from the mainland will be able to provide at least one third of the demand in the Balearics. According to Ramon Granadino, regional director of Red Electrica, the external supply could meet up to 40 percent of the Islands' requirements in the summer months when demand is at its highest.

The new installations in Calvia, he said will be encased in huge concrete slabs which will protect the giant machinery from the damp and humidity of Balearic weather and “mud rain” which periodically sweeps over from North Africa. It will be a costly process confirmed Granadino but it will avoid maintenance costs which would otherwise be incurred were the installations not encased. The cable project, christened “Operation Romulus” will undergo testing during the second half of next year.

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