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New cycle lane link-up in Palma

PALMA City Council will be starting work on a new cycle lane in Avenida Argentina on Wednesday next week.
The track will stretch from Calles Ruiz de Alda and Ramon y Cajal, as far as the Paseo Mallorca. The Council said yesterday that the new lane will take three weeks to build at a cost of 15'000 euros. It will run down the even-numbered side of the Avenida, but down the uneven-numbered side of Avenida de Catalunya at the end of which it will link up with the bicycle lane on the Paseo Mallorca. The Council said the furtherance of bicycle lanes was in keeping with its policy of opening up the city to “greener” forms of transport and of making areas of the city accessible to those who were denied it before due to limited mobility. The Council said last week that although there is no money in the 2010 budgets for more cycle lanes, it does not mean that none will be built because there are alternative sources of financing including Central Government aid packages.
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