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Plan to reduce traffic accidents


THE Citizen Security department, directed by Antoni Donaire, is preparing the so called Municipal Road Safety Plan.
This, in principal, was going to be approved at the council meeting on October 29, but after it was withdrawn from the agenda of the Citizen Services Commission meeting, it is expected to finally be approved in the council meeting in November or December this year.

The governing parties, presided over by Mayor Aina Calvo, have been working on this Plan for several weeks.
The Plan also includes the creation of a Municipal Road Safety Council, which will have a President and heads of the areas of Town Planning, Mobility, Local Police, Education, Youth and Participation.

The proposal which was originally agreed also included the provision for periodical reviews of the Plan once it had been approved, as well as how the council will encourage and participate in the plans designed to reduce the road accident rate in Palma.

This proposal also plans the appointment of a technical head of road safety coordination, as well as approving the adaptation of the mobility plans and the Municipal Road Safety Plan.

The proposed plan includes elements of other initiatives for road safety carried out by both the European Union and Spain, among them the Programme for European Action on Road Safety, and the Spanish Road Safety Plan.

In August, Palma city council and the Council of Majorca came to an agreement in principal that the speed limit for vehicles entering Palma from the Llevant and Ponent motorways should not exceed 60 kilometres per hour, and it is expected that this measure will come into force before the end of the year.

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