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Loggerheads over rail line

Palma.—Regional Environment Minister Biel Company gave the news yesterday saying that what is known as the “Llevant” railway line has become a priority if the money for the project arrives from Central Government as promised. Company said that if funding doesn't appear, there may be no option but to put the construction programme to one side.

For the moment, however, Company confirmed that the Balearic government has approached Madrid to ask for a meeting to discuss the intentions that the Ministry for Public Works may - or may not have - for the Llevant rail line. Company described the decision of the Balearic government to put the construction of the Manacor to Arta rail line on hold as very “evasive.” He explained that although there was funding agreed to the tune of 190 million euros between Central Government and the regional authorities in 2008, the Balearic government went ahead and awarded contracts to the value of 220 million euros.

Company stopped short of labelling his government's financial management of the railway project as foolhardy, but said considering they had received so little in hard cash (less than 43 million eurs) since Madrid had first signed the agreement, it had become impossible to continue with the rail line with insufficient money to pay contractors.

This subject, said Company will be on the agenda when Balearic government representatives meet the Ministry for Public works. He was speaking after a meeting with Mayors of municipalities on Majorca through which the rail line runs who claim the freezing of the project has left them high and dry.

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