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Serious opposition concerns over harsh cuts to the health service

Palma.—Armengol, the former President of the Council of Majorca, said yesterday that the austerity figures made public by the government on Tuesday are “extremely worrying.” She described the cuts as “very severe, unexplainable and questionable.” Armengol (pictured above) went on to claim that the new government's so-called Health Plan is simply based on wide spread cuts as opposed to a radical shake up and review in order to improve the service and save money by not axing facilities and jobs.

Armengol also accused Bauza of being under the orders of the Partido Popular central office in Madrid.
She, and the other opposition parties, are suspicious over why Bauza is not going to reveal his budget until after the November 20 general elections which the Partido Popular are currently on course to win.

Wrong job “Bauza does not deserve to be in this job. Other PP run autonomous regions such as Galicia have presented their budgets, what is Bauza waiting for?” she said yesterday.

Bauza's intention is to save nearly 858 million euros this year to meet the deficit reduction targets set by central government and Armengol fears that can only be done by severe cuts which will directly affect public services.

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