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90´000 out of work and no green shoots for 2010


By Humphrey Carter

THE number of people out of work in the Balearics stands at 90'000 and the Minister for Work, Joana Barcelo, said yesterday that the outlook for the job market next year is not encouraging.

However, it is not all bad news. During the third quarter of this year, July to September, the Balearics experienced the biggest reduction in the number of unemployed with 17'000 people finding seasonal work.

The rate of unemployment in the Balearics fell by nearly 15 percent over the summer, nearly three points lower than the national average.

But, as the unions have been warning, now that the holiday season is coming to an abrupt close, many of those people are going to find themselves out of work again and some unable to claim benefits because they have not been employed for the required length of time.

According to an Active Population Survey carried out by the INE National Statistics Institute, there are now 90'000 people out of work in the Balearics - 34'700 more than a year ago.

What is more, the size of the active population has grown to 600'000 with nearly 70 percent in work, ten points higher than the national average.
It was also revealed yesterday that a large number of people out of work have given up looking for jobs because few, if any, are being created and this has led to a reduction in the number of people actively looking for work at job centres and Barcelo gave job seekers little hope yesterday.

The Minister welcomed the drop in unemployment over the summer but said that there are currently no indications to suggest that new jobs are going to begin to be created next year and she admitted that it is difficult to predict when the turn around in the employment sector is going to happen.

However, she said that the Balearics is fortunate enough to have an active tourist industry, which many other regions of Spain do not, and that every opportunity should be made of it.

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