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New ferry terminal and facilities opposite the Auditorium in Palma

EIGHT companies are submitting quotations for the building and operation of a ferry terminal for local boating traffic in Palma's port; and eight have also registered their intent to bid for the construction and management of a bar and restaurant in Portixol. The Balearics Ports Authority confirmed the plans yesterday after having opened the official bidding period.
A spokesman added that five companies are tendering for both projects.
Specifications laid down by the Authority for the construction of the marina include the elevation of two buildings, each 200 metres in length; a carpark to be kept under surveillance to ensure security; and various improvements to the port area which fall in line with Palma Port's special development plan. The first of the buildings planned for the ferry terminal is to provide bar and restaurant facilities and the second, a state-of-the-art passenger terminal, with a reception hall, ticket sales area, tourist information and toilets for the physically disabled. In Portixol, the mandate is similarly for the construction of bar and restaurant facilities and general improvements in line with long-term local government planning, to a further 1'600 metres of terrain controlled by the Ports Authority.

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