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British MP's lawyers in bid to reach deal over Alaro annexe


LAWYERS representing Mark Field, the Conservative MP for the City of London and Westminster, are understood to have yesterday contacted Alaro Council in an attempt to resolve a dispute over an apparently illegal annexe Field has built.

In March, Field was apparently served with a 150 euro fine by Alaro Council, but on Saturday, the local Mayor, Joan Simonet, announced that, pending final government approval, the 40 square metre annexe will be demolished at the end of this week.

According to the Mayor, field was first informed of the council's intentions seven months ago but they have since received no response from Field or his lawyers and, what would have been just a 150 euro fine, could now result in the annexe being knocked down and Field being hit with a 20'000 euro penalty.

According to the council, the 20'000 euro fine corresponds to 75 percent of the value of the annexe apparently built without the necessary planning permission.

However, when the Mayor announced the latest developments on Saturday, he did leave the door open to a solution providing Field contacted the council, as his lawyers apparently did yesterday.

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