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Balearic farmers granted 1.5 million euros in aid

THE Balearics is to receive 1.51 million euros from central government to alleviate losses in the Islands' Agriculture sector which suffered as a result of adverse weather conditions in the first quarter of this year. A conference on agriculture and rural development meeting in Toledo, chaired by Agriculture Minister Elena Espinosa, confirmed that 1'867'663.11 euros will be granted to the Balearics to fund agrarian and farming projects. Of this sum, the majority (1.5 million) will be set aside in compensation for those in the industry who had their income halved due to the icy spells earlier in the year ruining their livelihood. In state funds set aside specifically for the livestock farming sector, 35'413 euros will go to the Balearics to fund a state programme which aims to eradicate disease. The money will aid the monitoring and detection of the livestock disease known as “blue tongue”, and assist in wiping out brucelosis.
It will also subsidise the electronic identification of cattle which have to be destroyed for the purposes of tuberculosis control. The “blue tongue” epidemic a few years ago was one of the worst agricultural disasters to ever hit the Balearic farming sector. Balearic lamb exports were banned and some countries are still refusing to accept local lamb. Government funds will also help with the purchase of new tractors.
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